Google Adsense FAQ


Posted on : 7:39 PM

Question: Does Google provide a contact number? Live support? Or even email support?
Answer: Google provides an informational number, they do not provide live representative support. They do provide email support but they are VERY limited on what they will reply to.

Question: Why was my Google AD Sense account disabled?
Answer: Google will send you an email stating the reason your account was disabled.

Question: Do I meet Google's registration rules?
Answer: Google looks for, Age (18+), Website (6 Months or older). They will ask you for such questions as: Social security number/Tax ID, address (Valid), phone number (Valid)

Question: How much does Google Pay per AD click?
Answer: Google's Pay per click commission can range anywhere from 1 Cent - $5.00 depending on the type of AD usually an AD click is worth 5-50 Cents

Question: Google Shows people clicked my AD but I received no commission? Why so...
Answer:Google uses many algorithms to determine if the click was a valid click such as, amount of time spent on website, number of times user click Ad's. If you were not credited the AD was most likely marked as an "invalid click"

Question: I applied for Google-AD Sense how long would it take for a apply?
Answer: Usually 3-7 Days. (May vary)

Question: My account gotten disabled... Can I apply again?
Answer: No, never.

Question: What if someone from my IP clicks my AD but it was not clicked from me.. What will happen?
Answer: If Google found this is being done, they will block you for "invalid click activity" my suggestion; Block your IP from AD sense clicking.

Question: My site is viewed by friends & family..We live close, what will happen if Google thinks majority of my clicks are coming from my city/state and think it's me?
Answer: I understand this can be tough, my suggestion make sure your audience is aware about this issue and make sure they ONLY click on the AD if they LIKE it.

Question: If my AD sense account's get disabled will my site be removed from Google Search Engine?
Answer: No, you will only be removed from AD Sense.

Question: How many "Invalid" clicks can I do before I get banned?
Answer: Google does not provide a precise amount, I suggest make sure you do not click your own Ad's.

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